Monthly Archives: November 2011

County Commissioners to examine Shooting and BOD Meeting Reminder

County Commissioners to examine Shooting

As many of you are aware there has been an incredible increase in shooting activity on Mt. Herman road since the closure of the Rampart Range Rd. shooting range. Not only is this shooting noisy but it is destructive to the areas where shooters congregate, has increased trash in the surrounding forest areas, and perhaps most importantly is conducted in an unsafe manner off of ridges, across and down trails off of Mt. Herman Rd including the trail to the top of Mt. Herman and the Limbaugh Canyon Trail. FOMP has repeatedly brought this to the attention of local USFS management and USFS Law Enforcement and continues to try and get the issue resolved. The issue has now also come to the attention of the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners:

Colorado Springs, November 3, 2011 – On Tuesday, November 8th the El Paso Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) will hold a work session to discuss options to establish a public shooting range in El Paso County.  Since the closure of the Rampart Shooting Range in 2009 the Commissioners have been approached multiple times to look into the creation of a public range.

This work session is scheduled at 2 p.m. following the regular BoCC meeting.  The meeting will be held in the Hearing Room of the County Office Building located at 27 E. Vermijo and is open to the public.
All BoCC meetings can be viewed live online at and the following evening at 9:00 p.m. on Comcast Cable Channel 17, The Library Channel.
FOMP BOD members Jon Norby and Joe Ennis avid users of the area trails and experienced marksmen/hunters were interviewed for a video that will be shown by BoCC staff to the commissioners. USFS law enforcement was also interviewed for the video.

The FOMP BOD strongly encourages you to participate in this meeting and make your voice heard.

BOD Meeting Reminder
Wednesday November 9, 2011 7:00PM

FOMP will hold a Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday November 9, 2011 at 7:00PM. This is a change from our normal Tuesday timeslot because of Elections on Tuesday November 8. This is also the first BOD meeting in the classroon since the wind down of summer activites and on the trail BOD meetings so please join us!

BOD Meetings are held in the Fire Center Classroom. For those of you unfamiliar with the classroom building make your first left into the Fire Center after Mt. Herman Rd. turns to dirt, follow the road all the way into the administrative area and the classroom building is the first building on your right.


  1. Finances
  2. Summer season review
  3. 2012 Planning
  4. BoCC shooting meeting review
  5. other items

Thanks and we hope to see you there!