Trail Love Dig Date for Forest Lakes

Medicine Wheel & Friends of Monument Preserve

To show your love for the trails that heal you, sign up for Trail Love at Forest Lakes (on the southwest corner of Monument) on September 5th from 8:30 to 2 p.m.We will hand-finish the newly constructed tread, build rock features, and clear an additional corridor for the next phase.

Please prepare for Colorado weather, including sun, rain, and wind. Long pants and sturdy shoes are recommended. Tools and instructions will be provided.

Where: Forest Lakes-Mt. Herman Area
5205 Mesa Top Road
Monument, CO
When: Thursday Sept 5th, 8:30 am – 2 pm

Register for these Trail Love Dig Day events here: Forest Lakes Trail Love Dig Day Registration Sept 5th, or scan the QR code on the poster attached to this email.