You Are Invited to Review the Draft
Santa Fe Open Space Master Plan!
El Paso County Parks invites you to download and review the draft Santa Fe Open Space Master Plan. The plan addresses conservation, trails, open space, recreation, and cultural services needs, so El Paso County Parks can continue to provide the facilities and services that citizens value. The Master Plan provides guidance for the next seven to ten years for capital improvements, construction of open space amenities, implementation of educational programs, and operations and maintenance.
The draft Master Plan is available to download in Adobe PDF format at the following online locations:
- Direct Link: https://communityservices.elpasoco.com/wp-content/uploads/Parks_Planning/SFOS-Master-Plan-Web-DRAFT.pdf
- Santa Fe Open Space Webpage: https://communityservices.elpasoco.com/parks-and-recreation/santa-fe-open-space/
- Park Planning Webpage: https://communityservices.elpasoco.com/parks-planning/
Please send your comments to Ross Williams, El Paso County Community Services Park Planner via email at rosswilliams@elpasoco.com by Wednesday, February 17th. Thank you!