The USFS has informed us that they’re performing some road maintenance on Mount Herman Rd for the next 2 weeks (Mon May 17th thru Fri May 28th), and the road will be closed during the duration.
- There will be road grading on Rampart & Mt Herman, weather pending.
- They will also be doing some slope stabilization and drainage work on Mt Herman. This is going to affect recreation and other access up there, due to the road closure during the work. Lower Trail 715 may have to be closed near the road, to ensure the safety of any trail users, due to rockfall.
Here is the official propaganda from the USFS
Repairs Close 5.2 miles of road at Mt Herman

PUEBLO, Colo., May 14, 2021— The Pike and San Isabel National Forests Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Pikes Peak Ranger District is performing road construction work on a segment of Mount Herman Road, National Forest System Road 320 and will close 5.2 miles of the road to all uses for public safety starting this weekend and continuing until May 28, 2021.
The segment of the Monument Trail (NFST 715) located downhill from the project area and National Forest Land within 100 feet on either side of the restricted sections of Mount Herman Road and the Monument Trail will also be closed.
Crews will be installing rock on road fill slopes and cleaning existing drainage features to improve the safety and function of the road. Because of heavy equipment working on the road and above the trail, there will be a potential for large boulders or other hazards to be dislodged onto the trail.
For more information on this project please contact the Pikes Peak Ranger District at 719-636-1602.