We have been informed that the Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands Pikes Peak Ranger District will conduct a prescribed fire at Monument Fire Center on June 11, 12, and 13.
Ignitions are weather-dependent and expected to occur over three days at Memorial Grove, Monument Rock, and the Mt. Herman trailhead.

The planned project is approximately 1000 acres broken into three different units to be treated one at a time.
Once Ignition starts, the entire Monument Fire Center and trails will be closed to all.
We will send along an update and more information when we get confirmation.
FAQ – from the USFS
Q. Why was Monument Fire Center chosen for treatment?
A. The prescribed fire on the grounds of the Monument Fire Center is a continuation of an ongoing project (2021-2023) that has included mechanical thinning, mastication, and pile burning. The project is part of a much bigger picture called the National Wildfire Crisis Strategy, and the Colorado Front Range Landscape was chosen as part of this national strategy.
Q. What is the Wildfire Crisis Strategy?
A. The Wildfire Crisis Strategy identifies the highest-risk fire sheds, those most capable of generating large wildfire disasters, and the highest risk of community exposure to wildfires. To protect the communities and natural resources in these high-risk areas, we need to restore healthy, resilient, fire-adapted forests by using mechanical thinning and returning beneficial fire in these landscapes. The US Forest Service has committed itself to increasing forest treatments up to four times historic levels under the 10-year strategy.
Q. What is the Colorado Front Range Landscape?
A. The Colorado Front Range Landscape encompasses 3.5 million acres stretching from the Wyoming border south to Hwy 50 near Penrose, CO. The Colorado Front Range project focuses on cross-jurisdictional, strategically important fuel treatments and will maximize collaboration with communities and partners to prevent devastating wildfires throughout the high-risk Front Range.
Q. Why doesn’t the USFS focus more on preventing wildfires rather than masticating/burning?
A. The project is intended to manage a fire-dependent ecosystem. Reducing the existing fuel loading is imperative to reducing the risk of natural and human-caused catastrophic wildfires. Banning campfires is a much different issue, and the Pikes Peak Ranger District continues to work on ways to educate the public and reduce the risk of unwanted human-caused fires.
Q What is going to happen to the trails inside the treatment units?
A. There might be some minimal damage and debris on the trail system. This is expected and something that will be able to be cleaned up and maintained.
Q. Will there be closures in the area during the prescribed fire?
A. Yes, there will be road and trail closures during the operations. Road closures will be intermittent and will be done to keep firefighters and the public safe while there is fire, firefighters, and equipment on the road. The US Forest Service will be working with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and other local agencies for these closures. Trail closures will take a little longer than road closures. The trail closures will be included in the closure of the units a few days prior to ignition and a few days after ignition until the burn boss deems it safe to return back into the area. There will be signs posted with current information and closure status. You can also find the closure announcements on our X (formerly Twitter) page at @PSICC_NF. We ask that you stay away from these areas during these closures for your own safety.
Q. Are there plans for possible escape from this prescribed fire?
A. While there is no anticipation of this burn escaping the control lines, we are prepared to take action if it does. Your local fire department will be on scene with us during the firing operation and will also have units available to assist if needed. The El Paso County Health Department contacts other local agencies, such as the Humane Society, which we work with to manage smoke impacts.