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2011-01-11 FOMP BOD Minutes (pdf requires Adobe Reader)
I. Call to Order and Attendance: The quarterly Board meeting of the FOMP began at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Center Classroom. Members present were Jon Nordby, president; Chris Tirpak, vice president, Diane Strohm, treasurer; Marianne LaRivee, secretary; Diane Bandle, Bill Bunson, Hermann Spielkamp, and Brian Mullin, members at large. Joe Ennis and Gayle Humm were also in attendance.
II. Issues:
A. Oil and Gas Drilling: FRERC, a grass-roots organization headed by Chris Amenson, has been somewhat inactive regarding DIAD’s leases in and around the Monument Preserve, primarily based on the inaction of USFS, BLM, and DIAD. However, Eileen Skahill’s smaller group filed an Inspector General complaint to challenge the BLM’s grant of a permanent extension to DIAD for its leases, an extension based simply on continuing low natural gas prices. (Specifically, because the leases were prospective/wildcat in nature, we believe they should not be allowed to continue until some indefinite date when natural gas prices rise enough to make drilling economically feasible.) The IG set a meeting with USFS and BLM to determine the legality of such permanent extensions based on economic conditions.
B. Shooters: Joe Ennis presented a slideshow illustrating the danger and the destruction caused by shooters along Mt Herman Road. Targets have been set up in dangerous proximity to roads and high volume trails. Trees have been razed to the ground. The soil has been polluted with thousands of rounds of ammunition. Numerous accounts of close calls from random bullets and actual pin-downs by automatic fire have been reported by trail workers and trail users. The danger to hikers, bikers, riders, and workers on our trails, as well as destruction of the habitat, have become untenable. We believe that if no action is taken, an accident is imminent. Therefore, because there is no current prospect of an official range being developed in the Pikes Peak region, we propose that the USFS extend the no-fire zone to ten miles from the official trailhead, instead of the current four mile limit. This is particularly necessary because Mt Herman Road bends and twists along the ridge, consuming road mileage without actually placing shooters at a safe remove from trail users or maintainers. After much discussion, the FOMP voted to:
- Request a meeting in early February with Brent Botts, USFS
- Write an official letter from FOMP to USFS
- Handwrite numerous letters from FOMP members and supporters
- Notify the Gazette and local legislature
We also agreed not to wait for the scheduled quarterly Board Meeting in March, but to meet again on 22 Feb to discuss results of the meeting with Brent Botts and plan future actions.
C. Monument Preserve Maps: Brian Mullin was approached by an individual interested in plotting a map of trails in the Monument Preserve. FOMP has provided a similar map to USFS, based on Tim Watkins’ bike routes, but has not yet received comments or approval to further disseminate this information. We are disinclined to provide an accounting to outside groups (other than the systemized trails: 715, 716, and Mt Herman) because of USFS worries regarding overuse and liability.
D. Elections: The annual members’ meeting and elections will be held in March.
E. Upcoming Schedule:
- Tree Plantings: Diane Strohm hopes to schedule a planting for the 1st week in April
- Birdhouses: Hermann Spielkamp will organize the annual birdhouse renovation
- Trail Maintenance: Begins in May
- Memorial Grove Ceremony: Typically takes place in early May
- Hotshots Dinner: Diane Bandle will organize; possibly around 18 May
- Seeding Release: Diane Strohm will plan for April and May
III. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.