March 2011 BOD Meeting Minutes

Get all the juicy details in the attached pdf document.

2011-03-08 FOMP BOD Minutes (pdf requires Adobe Reader)

I.  Call to Order and Attendance: The quarterly Board meeting of the FOMP began at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Center Classroom.  Members present were Jon Nordby, president; Chris Tirpak, vice president, Diane Strohm, treasurer; Marianne LaRivee, secretary; Bill Bunson and Brian Mullin, members at large.  Joe Ennis, Nancy Spielkamp, Gayle Humm, and Jay Huey were also in attendance.

II.  Issues:

A.  Shooters: Jon Nordby, Chris Tirpak, and Joe Ennis met with Brent Botts, USFS, in February and recounted the results. First, the USFS was aware of the shooting along Mt Herman Road, but did not realize that the trajectories would cause bullets to graze dangerously close to the road and popular trails.  Brent said FOMP could possibly place “Unsafe to Shoot” signs along the worst areas, but then would be bound to put them everywhere (which members did not object to.)  Second, Brent said FOMP may be able to close the area for restoration.  He stated that he would take the new forest supervisor, Pam [something] to the area in the spring to get her permission for the re-vegetation effort.

Jon and Chris also related that while shooting has increased tremendously, the number of tickets written for unsafe shooting had not increased appreciably.  This is apparently a law enforcement issue, handled by a different section of USFS, and can only be resolved by a Congressional inquiry to focus attention on the problem and shift funds and manpower to our area.

Jon asked if members were in favor of budgeting $2500 for signs and be willing to plant trees and install signs in the affected area.  All were in favor.

B.  Oil and Gas Drilling: Brent had no news regarding DIAD’s lease to drill for gas along Mt Herman.  He said DIAD had requested studies to be done by USFS, which had not yet been undertaken.

C.  Elections: No elections necessary; all positions carry over from last year.

D.  Upcoming Schedule:

  1. Tree Plantings:  Diane Strohm tentatively schedules a planting for 9 April
  2. Trail Maintenance:  begins in May
  3. Memorial Grove Ceremony: early May
  4. Hotshots Dinner:  Diane Bandle will organize; early May
  5. Seeding Release:  Diane Strohm tentatively plans for 12 and 19 April

III.  Adjournment.  The meeting was adjourned at 8