Author Archives: chris

Letter to USFS regarding Mt. Herman Rd. repairs

Brent –

FOMP would like to object to the repairs being performed on Mt. Herman Rd. that are above and beyond the fixing of the one washed out section. The crew operating in the area is removing rocks and smoothing out the road in the entire closed section from Red Rocks Dr. to FS315. This will only serve to increase danger to pedestrian, equestrian, and bicycle traffic on that road. FOMP has made USFS aware numerous times that vehicle speeds on that road are already extremely excessive with young drivers in particular performing ‘drifting’ races up and down that road endangering themseleves and others. Making the road smoother serves no purpose other than to increase the danger for everyone involved as already careless drivers will increase their speeds further. This is particularly regretful given that USFS has only one law enforcement officer in the district and can not regulalrly patrol that road for dangerous and wreckless driving. Despite our numerous requests to USFS for enforcement, to FOMP’s knowledge, no speed or other reckless driving enforcement has ever occured on Mt. herman Rd. It is also frustrating to see that USFS can find budget nearly instantly to perform road repairs but can not seem to find budget for non-motorized trails and access issues.


Friends of Monument Preserve

[FOMP] Trail Work Tonight!

Two quick notes:

1) Tonight’s monthly board of directors meeting is cancelled. Sorry for the last minute notice.

2) Tonight, Tuesday July 14 we will hold our monthly trail work session.

FOMP and USFS provide all necessary tools. Volunteers should wear appropriate clothing for performing outdoor landscaping type of work, leather gloves, bring their own personal water supply, eye protection sunscreen, and bug repellent. We meet rain or shine unless there is lightning active in the area. In the event that you are joining us late we always leave a note at the trail head parking lot or you can call Jon (719.640.1347) to find out where in the Preserve we are working that evening.

We make every effort to accommodate volunteer preferences and abilities at each event. Generally we perform activities such as water bar building or renovation, trail renovation, maintenance, and trimming, etc. So, pretty much everything from trimming back scrub oak or digging lots of dirt to moving boulders. We assign duties based on interest and capabilities. Kids are welcome to join their parents; however, we do ask that you evaluate whether this is an appropriate activity for your child or not.

We look forward to seeing you out there!

[FOMP] Trail Work Tonight – Yes (but BOD Meeting Postponed)

Two quick notes:

1) Tonight’s monthly board of directors meeting will be rescheduled. Sorry for the last minute notice.

2) Tonight, Tuesday June 9 we will hold our monthly trail work session of the season.

FOMP and USFS provide all necessary tools. Volunteers should wear appropriate clothing for performing outdoor landscaping type of work, leather gloves, bring their own personal water supply, eye protection sunscreen, and bug repellent. We meet rain or shine unless there is lightning active in the area. In the event that you are joining us late we always leave a note at the trail head parking lot or you can call Chris or Jon (numbers below) to find out where in the preserve we are working that evening.

We make every effort to accommodate volunteer preferences and abilities at each event. Generally we perform activities such as water bar building or renovation, trail renovation, maintenance, and trimming, etc. So, pretty much everything from trimming back scrub oak or digging lots of dirt to moving boulders. We assign duties based on interest and capabilities. Kids are welcome to join their parents; however, we do ask that you evaluate whether this is an appropriate activity for your child or not.

We look forward to seeing you out there!

Thank You

To all who provided food for our annual dinner, thank you very much. We are sorry we were not able to share it with all who cooked, but man was it good!

Alissa Roeder
Superintendent, Pike IHC

Trail Work and Board Meeting

First, thanks to tall of the volunteers that were able to help out putting on last weeks pot luck dinner for the hot shots crew – they were very appreciative and we had a great turnout despite having to re-schedule at the last second. Thanks everyone for your patience and flexibility!

This is a brief reminder that Friends of Monument Preserve (FOMP) hold our monthly board meeting tomorrow Tuesday May 12, 2009 at 5:30 PM in the main trail head parking lot. Board meetings are open to all members and the public so please feel free to join us.

Immediately follow the board meeting at 6:00PM we will hold our second trail work session of the season.

FOMP and USFS provide all necessary tools. Volunteers should wear appropriate clothing for performing outdoor landscaping type of work, leather gloves, bring their own personal water supply, eye protection sunscreen, and bug repellent. We meet rain or shine unless there is lightning active in the area. In the event that you are joining us late we always leave a note at the trail head parking lot or you can call Chris or Jon (numbers below) to find out where in the preserve we are working that evening.

We make every effort to accommodate volunteer preferences and abilities at each event. Generally we perform activities such as water bar building or renovation, trail renovation, maintenance, and trimming, etc. So, pretty much everything from trimming back scrub oak or digging lots of dirt to moving boulders. We assign duties based on interest and capabilities. Kids are welcome to join their parents; however, we do ask that you evaluate whether this is an appropriate activity for your child or not.

We look forward to seeing you out there!

Chris Tirpak – mobile: 719.439.8865
Jon Nordby – mobile: 719.640.1347

Hot Shot Pot Luck Dinner Re-scheduled

Sorry for yesterday’s short notice to those planning on attending the hot shot crew pot luck dinner. We received word at 4:30 that the crew needed to go to a fire near Divide. That fire is now apparently under control and we are expecting the crew to be back late this afternoon. So, we are going to re-schedule the dinner for this evening at 6:00 PM in the fire center classroom building. Thank you everyone for your flexibility.

For those folks unfamiliar, FOMP throws the hot shot and helitac crews stationed in the Preserve an appreciation dinner every year as they begin their season. If you would like to join us and meet these fine folks please feel free – and if you can bring a dish of any kind go for it.

So, 6:00 PM tonight May 8 in the classroom building – the first building on your right when you enter the work center.

Questions – please call Chris Tirpak at 719.439.8865

Board Meeting and Trail Season Kick Off!

This is a brief reminder that Friends of Monument Preserve (FOMP) will be holding our monthly board meeting this Tuesday April 14, 2009 at 5:30 PM in the main trail head parking lot. This is a change from our winter schedule and it also marks the kick off of our summer volunteer season for 2009!

Our first event is our monthly trail maintenance outlined below. We also have several other opportunities coming up including a potluck dinner for the Hotshot and Helitac crews stationed in the Preserve, tree planting, Boy Scout trail work and others. We also have the upcoming annual Memorial Grove Ceremony. Details may be found on the recently revised calendar page, just click on any event for event details and contact information. The calendar is actively being updated as we come into the busy season for FOMP, so if you don’t see an event listed please check back or get in touch with us at

Our summer trail work schedule for 2009 will kick off begining April 14 and ending in October. We meet at 6:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month at the main trail head parking lot off of Mt. Herman Rd.

FOMP and USFS provide all necessary tools. Volunteers should wear appropriate clothing for performing outdoor landscaping type of work, leather gloves, bring their own personal water supply, sunscreen, and bug repellent. We meet rain or shine unless there is lightning active in the area. In the event that you are joining us late we always leave a note at the trail head parking lot or you can call Chris or Jon (numbers below) to find out where in the preserve we are working that evening.

We make every effort to accommodate volunteer preferences and abilities at each event. Generally we perform activities such as water bar building or renovation, trail renovation, maintenance, and trimming, etc. So, pretty much everything from trimming back scrub oak or digging lots of dirt to moving boulders. We assign duties based on interest and capabilities. Kids are welcome to join their parents; however, we do ask that you evaluate whether this is an appropriate activity for your child or not.

We look forward to seeing you out there!

Chris Tirpak – mobile: 719.439.8865
Jon Nordby – mobile: 719.640.1347

Board Meeting and Elections

This is just a brief reminder that Friends Of Monument Preserve will hold our monthly board meeting and annual elections tomorrow night Tuesday March 10, 2009 at 7:00PM in the Fire Center Classroom. For those of you unfamiliar with the classroom building make your first left into the Fire Center after Mt. Herman Rd. turns to dirt, the classroom building is the first building on your right.

Our agenda will include the following:

* Elections
* At large board member appointments
* Derek Emeis Seedling Plant/Release project update.
* Patrick Hoehne Trail project update
* Sign discussion and progress
* Upcoming spring 2009 events calendar
* Open Agenda for members

Board Meeting Agenda

This is just a brief reminder that Friends Of Monument Preserve will hold our monthly board meeting tomorrow night Tuesday February 10, 2009 at 7:00PM in the Fire Center Classroom. For those of you unfamiliar with the classroom building make your first left into the Fire Center after Mt. Herman Rd. turns to dirt, the classroom building is the first building on your right.

Our agenda will include the following:

* trails maintenance priorities within the preserve – suggestions from folks on the trail
* seedling release priorities within and near the preserve in the burn area
* election planning
* new signs for mud season
* planning the tree planting
* discussion of possible scout projects
* open members forum discussing their concerns

Friends Of Monument Preserve

February Board Meeting and Upcoming Elections Notice

This is just a brief reminder that Friends of Monument Preserve will be holding our monthly board meeting Tuesday February 10, 2009 at 7:00 PM in the Fire Center Classroom. For those of you unfamiliar with the classroom building make your first left into the Fire Center after Mt. Herman Rd. turns to dirt, the classroom building is the first building on your right.

Also, we will be holding our annual elections meeting on Tuesday March 10, 2009 at 7:00 PM in the Fire Center Classroom. We will be electing the positions of President and Vice-President as well as board members at large. This is a great chance to come and get involved!

Friends of Monument Preserve